
The fun of feeling in control

I like building this site, because it is simple. It's deterministic. No race conditions, no Bus Errors, no poorly documented APIs, no endless back and forth, hunting thirdparty bugs that manifest in our code. Don't get me wrong, I like my job quite a lot. But at times it gets frustrating.

But this, this thing here has the right sort of challenges. Once or twice a week I will think of a cool thing to add, some small change that will make everything a little more neat. The codebase is small (it could be even smaller). Just some CSS, some HTML, some v and voila. While I am writing this, I just added a default column setting, where if I specify it in the metadata of the post, the column count is locked to a specific value.

I can also see it work. I can directly see the feedback of what I am writing without long compilations, setups and reboots.

Really, this site is like a small vacation. I can come here and grasp everything that happens. Here it feels I have control. And I like it.

Even the occasional bug can be easily fixed.

I hope this place remains like this. A place of sanity in a world of software that sometimes feels like a castle built on the sand. A place for me to come and relax after a long day of battling with a kernel module.
